Class XmlAttributeField

    • Constructor Detail

      • XmlAttributeField

        public XmlAttributeField()
    • Method Detail

      • getLocalName

        public java.lang.String getLocalName()
        Description copied from interface: XmlNode
        Returns the XML local name for this node.
        the XML local name
      • setLocalName

        public void setLocalName​(java.lang.String localName)
        Sets the attribute name.
        localName - the attribute name
      • getNamespace

        public java.lang.String getNamespace()
        Description copied from interface: XmlNode
        Returns the namespace of this node. If there is no namespace for this node, or this node is not namespace aware, null is returned.
        the XML namespace of this node
      • setNamespace

        public void setNamespace​(java.lang.String namespace)
        Sets the namespace of the attribute (typically null).
        namespace - the attribute namespace
      • getPrefix

        public java.lang.String getPrefix()
        Description copied from interface: XmlNode
        Returns the namespace prefix for marshaling this node, or null if the namespace should override the default namespace.
        the namespace prefix
      • setPrefix

        public void setPrefix​(java.lang.String prefix)
        Sets the prefix to use for this attribute's namespace.
        prefix - the namespace prefix
      • isNamespaceAware

        public boolean isNamespaceAware()
        Description copied from interface: XmlNode
        Returns true if a namespace was configured for this node, and is therefore used to unmarshal and marshal the node.
        true if this node uses a namespace for matching and formatting this node
      • setNamespaceAware

        public void setNamespaceAware​(boolean namespaceAware)
        Sets whether this attribute uses a namespace.
        namespaceAware - true if this attribute uses a namespace, false otherwise
      • isNillable

        public boolean isNillable()
        Description copied from interface: FieldFormat
        Returns whether this field is nillable.
        true if nillable, false otherwise
      • isRepeating

        public boolean isRepeating()
        Description copied from interface: XmlNode
        Returns whether this node may repeat in the context of its immediate parent.
        true if this node repeats, false otherwise