Class FixedLengthParserConfiguration

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class FixedLengthParserConfiguration
    extends java.lang.Object
    Stores configuration settings for parsing fixed length formatted streams.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FixedLengthParserConfiguration

        public FixedLengthParserConfiguration()
    • Method Detail

      • getLineContinuationCharacter

        public java.lang.Character getLineContinuationCharacter()
        Returns the line continuation character. By default, line continuation is disabled and null is returned.
        the line continuation character or null if disabled
      • setLineContinuationCharacter

        public void setLineContinuationCharacter​(java.lang.Character lineContinuationCharacter)
        Sets the line continuation character. Set to null to disable line continuation.
        lineContinuationCharacter - the line continuation character
      • isLineContinationEnabled

        public boolean isLineContinationEnabled()
        Returns whether the line continuation character is enabled. By default, line continuation is disabled.
        true if the line continuation character is enabled
      • getRecordTerminator

        public java.lang.String getRecordTerminator()
        Returns the character used to mark the end of a record. By default, a carriage return (CR), line feed (LF), or CRLF sequence is used to signify the end of the record.
        the record termination character
      • setRecordTerminator

        public void setRecordTerminator​(java.lang.String recordTerminator)
        Sets the character used to mark the end of a record. If set to null, a carriage return (CR), line feed (LF), or CRLF sequence is used.
        recordTerminator - the record termination character
      • getComments

        public java.lang.String[] getComments()
        Returns the array of comment prefixes. If a line read from a stream begins with a configured comment prefix, the line is ignored. By default, no lines are considered commented.
        the array of comment prefixes
      • setComments

        public void setComments​(java.lang.String[] comments)
        Sets the array of comment prefixes. If a line read from a stream begins with a configured comment prefix, the line is ignored.
        comments - the array of comment prefixes
      • isCommentEnabled

        public boolean isCommentEnabled()
        Returns whether one or more comment prefixes have been configured.
        true if one or more comment prefixes have been configured
      • getLineSeparator

        public java.lang.String getLineSeparator()
        Returns the text used to terminate a record. By default, the line separator is set to the value of the line.separator system property.
        the line separation text
      • setLineSeparator

        public void setLineSeparator​(java.lang.String lineSeparator)
        Sets the text used to terminate a record. If set to null, the the value of the line.separator system property is used to terminate records.
        lineSeparator - the line separation text