Class ComponentConfig

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Iterable<ComponentConfig>, Replicateable
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class ComponentConfig
    extends TreeNode<ComponentConfig>
    The base class for nodes that that make up a stream configuration- groups, records, segments, fields, constants and wrappers. Nodes are organized into a tree structure.

    The following attributes apply to XML formatted streams only:

    • xmlName
    • xmlNamespace
    • xmlPrefix

    The following attributes are set during compilation, and are meant for internal use only:

    • xmlNamespaceAware
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static char CONSTANT
      Constant component type
      static char FIELD
      Field component type
      static char GROUP
      Group component type
      static char RECORD
      Record component type
      static char SEGMENT
      Segment component type
      static char STREAM
      Stream component type
      static char WRAPPER
      Wrapper component type
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Constructor Detail

      • ComponentConfig

        public ComponentConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • getOrdinal

        public java.lang.Integer getOrdinal()
        Returns the relative position of this component within its parent components.
        the relative position
      • setOrdinal

        public void setOrdinal​(java.lang.Integer ordinal)
        Sets the relative position of this component within its parent components.
        ordinal - the relative position
      • getXmlName

        public java.lang.String getXmlName()
        Returns XML element or attribute name of this component.
        the XML element or attribute name
      • setXmlName

        public void setXmlName​(java.lang.String xmlName)
        Sets the XML element or attribute name of this component. If set to null (default), the XML name defaults to the component name.
        xmlName - the XML element or attribute name
      • getXmlNamespace

        public java.lang.String getXmlNamespace()
        Returns the XML namespace of this component.
        the XML namespace
      • setXmlNamespace

        public void setXmlNamespace​(java.lang.String xmlNamespace)
        Sets the XML namespace of this component. If set to null (default), the namespace is inherited from its parent.
        xmlNamespace - the XML namespace
      • getXmlPrefix

        public java.lang.String getXmlPrefix()
        Returns the XML prefix for the namespace assigned to this component.
        the XML namespace prefix
      • setXmlPrefix

        public void setXmlPrefix​(java.lang.String xmlPrefix)
        Sets the XML prefix for the namespace assigned to this component. If set to null and a namespace is set, the namespace will replace the default namespace during marshaling. A prefix should not be set if a namespace is not set.
        xmlPrefix - the XML namespace prefix
      • isXmlNamespaceAware

        public boolean isXmlNamespaceAware()
        Returns whetther this component is namespace aware.
        true if this component is namespace aware, false otherwise
      • setXmlNamespaceAware

        public void setXmlNamespaceAware​(boolean xmlNamespaceAware)
        Sets whether this component is namespace aware.
        xmlNamespaceAware - true if this component is namespace aware