Package org.beanio.internal.config
Mapping file configuration counterparts.
Interface Summary Interface Description ConfigurationLoader AConfigurationLoader
is used to load BeanIO mapping configurations from an input stream.SelectorConfig This interface is implemented by configuration components used to select a record for marshalling or unmarshalling, namelyRecordConfig
components.XmlTypeConstants XML node type constants. -
Class Summary Class Description BeanConfig<T> Stores bean information.BeanIOConfig Stores BeanIO stream mapping configuration settings.ComponentConfig The base class for nodes that that make up a stream configuration- groups, records, segments, fields, constants and wrappers.ConstantConfig A constant component is used to add a property value to a bean object that is not bound to any field in a stream.FieldConfig A field is used to define the smallest physical part of a stream.GroupConfig A group is used to organize records and the overall structure of a stream.PropertyConfig A base class for configuration components that can be bound to a property of a bean object.RecordConfig A record is a segment that is bound to a record in a stream.SegmentConfig A segment is used to combine fields, constants and other segments.SimplePropertyConfig A base class for configuration components that can be bound to "simple attributes" of a bean object.StreamConfig A stream is the root (a.k.a top or parent) group of a stream mapping configuration.TypeHandlerConfig Stores configuration settings for a custom type handler.