Class FieldConfig

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Iterable<ComponentConfig>, Replicateable

    public class FieldConfig
    extends SimplePropertyConfig
    A field is used to define the smallest physical part of a stream. Fields are combined to form segments and records.

    Unless bound is set to false, a field is bound to a property of its closest parent bean object.

    Position must be set for all fields in record, or for none of them. If not set, position is determined based on the order in which the fields are added to the record.

    • Field Detail

      • LEFT

        public static final java.lang.String LEFT
        Left justification setting
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • RIGHT

        public static final java.lang.String RIGHT
        Right justification setting
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • FieldConfig

        public FieldConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • getDefault

        public java.lang.String getDefault()
        Returns the textual representation of the default value for this field when the field is not present or empty during unmarshalling. May be null.
        the default value (as text)
      • setDefault

        public void setDefault​(java.lang.String text)
        Sets the textual representation of the default value of this field when the field is not present or empty during unmarshalling. May be null.
        text - the default value (as text)
      • getMinLength

        public java.lang.Integer getMinLength()
        Returns the minimum length of this field in characters, or null if a minimum length should not be enforced.
        the minimum length, or null if not enforced
      • setMinLength

        public void setMinLength​(java.lang.Integer minLength)
        Sets the minimum length of this field in characters, or null if a minimum length should not be enforced.
        minLength - the minimum length, or null if not enforced
      • getMaxLength

        public java.lang.Integer getMaxLength()
        Returns the maximum length of this field in characters. Returns null if a maximum length will not be enforced.
        the maximum length, or null if not enforced
      • setMaxLength

        public void setMaxLength​(java.lang.Integer maxLength)
        Sets the maximum length of this field in characters. Set to null if a maximum length should not be enforced.
        maxLength - the maximum length, or null if not enforced
      • isTrim

        public boolean isTrim()
        Returns whether field text should be trimmed before validation and type conversion.
        true if field text should be trimmed
      • setTrim

        public void setTrim​(boolean trim)
        Sets whether field text should be trimmed before validation and type conversion.
        trim - true if field text should be trimmed
      • getLiteral

        public java.lang.String getLiteral()
        Returns the static text for this field, or null if the field text is not static. If set, unmarshalled field text must match the literal text, and likewise, the literal text is always marshalled for this field.
        the literal text of the field
      • setLiteral

        public void setLiteral​(java.lang.String literal)
        Sets the static text for this field. If set, unmarshalled field text must match the literal text, and likewise, the literal text is always marshalled for this field.
        literal - the literal text of the field
      • getRegex

        public java.lang.String getRegex()
        Returns the regular expression pattern for validating the field text during unmarshalling. Field text is only validated using the regular expression after trimming (if enabled) and when its not the empty string.
        the regular expression pattern
      • setRegex

        public void setRegex​(java.lang.String pattern)
        Sets the regular expression pattern for validating the field text during unmarshalling. Field text is only validated using the regular expression after trimming (if enabled) and when its not the empty string.
        pattern - the regular expression pattern
      • isRequired

        public boolean isRequired()
        Returns true if this field is required when unmarshalled. Required fields must have at least one character (after trimming, if enabled). If this field is not required and no text is parsed from the input stream, no further validations are performed.
        true if this field is required
      • setRequired

        public void setRequired​(boolean required)
        Set to true if this field is required when unmarshalled. Required fields must have at least one character (after trimming, if enabled). If this field is not required and no text is parsed from the input stream, no further validations are performed.
        required - true if this field is required
      • getLength

        public java.lang.Integer getLength()
        Returns the length of this field in characters. Applies to fixed length and padded fields. May return -1 (aka 'unbounded'), for the last field in a fixed length record to indicate it is not padded and of variable length.
        the length of this field
      • setLength

        public void setLength​(java.lang.Integer length)
        Sets the length of this field in characters. Applies to fixed length and padded fields.
        length - the length of this field
      • getPadding

        public java.lang.Character getPadding()
        Returns the character used to pad this field. Defaults to a space when padding is enabled.
        the character used to pad this field
      • setPadding

        public void setPadding​(java.lang.Character padding)
        Sets the character used to pad this field. Defaults to a space when padding is enabled.
        padding - the character used to pad this field
      • getJustify

        public java.lang.String getJustify()
        Returns the justification of this field. Defaults to left. Applies to fixed length and padded fields.
        LEFT or RIGHT
      • setJustify

        public void setJustify​(java.lang.String justify)
        Sets the justification of this field. Applies to fixed length and padded fields.
        justify - LEFT or RIGHT
      • isKeepPadding

        public boolean isKeepPadding()
        Returns whether a fixed length field should keep its padding when unmarshalled. Defaults to false.
        true to keep padding, false otherwise
      • setKeepPadding

        public void setKeepPadding​(boolean keepPadding)
        Sets whether a fixed length field should keep its padding when unmarshalled.
        keepPadding - true to keep field padding, false otherwise
      • isLenientPadding

        public boolean isLenientPadding()
        Sets whether padding length is enforced for fixed length formatted streams.
        true if not enforced, false otherwise
      • setLenientPadding

        public void setLenientPadding​(boolean lenientPadding)
        Sets whether the padding length is enforced for fixed length formatted streams.
        lenientPadding - true if not enforced, false otherwise
      • isRef

        public boolean isRef()
        Returns true if this field is referenced by another component.
        true if referenced
      • setRef

        public void setRef​(boolean ref)
        Sets whether this field is referenced by another component.
        ref - true if referenced