All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbortRecordUnmarshalligException |
AbstractXmlCalendarTypeHandler |
Base class for Calendar type handlers based on the W3C XML Schema
datatype specification.
AbstractXmlDateTypeHandler |
Base class for java.util.Date type handlers based on the W3C XML Schema
datatype specification.
Aggregation |
Base class for parser components capable of aggregating descendant properties.
Align |
Enumeration of text alignments in a padded field.
AnnotationConstants |
Constant annotation values.
AnnotationParser |
Factory class for building component configurations from annotated classes.
ArrayParser |
Bean |
A component used to aggregate Property 's into a bean object, which
may also be a property of a parent bean object itself.
BeanConfig<T> |
Stores bean information.
BeanIOConfig |
Stores BeanIO stream mapping configuration settings.
BeanIOConfigurationException |
Exception thrown when an invalid BeanIO configuration file is loaded.
BeanIOException |
Base class for all exceptions thrown by the BeanIO framework.
BeanReader |
Interface for unmarshalling bean objects from an input stream.
BeanReaderErrorHandler |
A callback interface for handling exceptions thrown by a BeanReader .
BeanReaderErrorHandlerSupport |
Provides support for BeanReaderErrorHandler implementations.
BeanReaderException |
BeanReaderImpl |
BeanReaderIOException |
Exception thrown when a BeanReader 's underlying
input stream throws an IOException .
BeanUtil |
Utility class for instantiating configurable bean classes.
BeanWriter |
Interface for marshalling bean objects to an output stream.
BeanWriterException |
BeanWriterImpl |
BeanWriterIOException |
Exception thrown when a BeanWriter 's underlying
output stream throws an IOException .
BigDecimalTypeHandler |
A type handler implementation for the BigDecimal class.
BigIntegerTypeHandler |
A type handler implementation for the BigInteger class.
BooleanTypeHandler |
A type handler implementation for the Boolean class, that
simply delegate parsing to its constructor.
ByteTypeHandler |
A type handler implementation for the Byte class.
CalendarTypeHandler |
This type handler uses a SimpleDateFormat to parse and format
java.util.Calendar objects.
CharacterTypeHandler |
A type handler for the Character class.
CollectionBean |
A Property that stores children in a Collection .
CollectionParser |
A CollectionParser provides iteration support for a Segment or Field ,
and is optionally bound to a Collection type property value.
CommentReader |
Skips commented lines read from an input stream.
Component |
The base class for all nodes in the parser tree.
ComponentConfig |
The base class for nodes that that make up a stream configuration-
groups, records, segments, fields, constants and wrappers.
ConfigurableTypeHandler |
Interface for type handlers that support field specific customization.
ConfigurationLoader |
A ConfigurationLoader is used to load BeanIO mapping configurations from
an input stream.
Constant |
A simple property implementation that stores a constant value.
ConstantConfig |
A constant component is used to add a property value to a bean object that is
not bound to any field in a stream.
CsvParserBuilder |
Builder for CSV parsers.
CsvParserConfiguration |
Stores configuration settings for parsing CSV formatted streams.
CsvParserFactory |
CsvReader |
A CsvReader is used to parse CSV formatted flat files into records
of String arrays.
CsvRecordParser |
CsvRecordParserFactory |
CsvStreamFormat |
CsvWriter |
A CsvWriter is used to format and write records, of String arrays,
to a CSV output stream.
DateTypeHandler |
This type handler uses a SimpleDateFormat class to parse and format
java.util.Date objects.
DateTypeHandlerSupport |
This abstract type handler uses a SimpleDateFormat class to parse and format
java.util.Date objects.
Debuggable |
Interface implemented by marshallers and unmarshallers for debugging
BeanIO's compiled configuration.
DebugUtil |
Utility methods for formatting debug output.
DefaultStreamFactory |
The DefaultStreamFactory stores configured stream definitions used
to create bean readers and writers.
DelegatingParser |
DelimitedFieldFormat |
A FieldFormat implementation for a field in a delimited stream.
DelimitedMarshallingContext |
DelimitedParserBuilder |
Builder for delimited parsers.
DelimitedParserConfiguration |
Stores configuration settings for parsing delimited formatted streams.
DelimitedParserFactory |
DelimitedReader |
A DelimitedReader is used to parse delimited flat files into
records of String arrays.
DelimitedRecordFormat |
DelimitedRecordParser |
DelimitedRecordParserFactory |
DelimitedStreamFormat |
DelimitedUnmarshallingContext |
DelimitedWriter |
A DelimitedWriter is used to write records to delimited flat files.
DomUtil |
Utility class for working with XML document object models.
DoubleTypeHandler |
A type handler implementation for the Double class.
EnumTypeHandler |
Default Enum type handler that uses Enum.valueOf(Class, String)
to parse a value and to format a value.
ErrorContext |
Field |
Field annotation applied to class attributes, methods or constructor parameters.
Field |
A parser for marshalling and unmarshalling a single field in a record.
FieldBuilder |
Builds a new field configuration.
FieldConfig |
A field is used to define the smallest physical part of a stream.
FieldFormat |
A FieldFormat provides format specific processing for a Field parser.
FieldPadding |
Provides field padding functionality.
FieldReflectionAccessor |
Fields |
Annotation used to add fields to a record or segment that are not bound
to a class property.
FixedLengthFieldFormat |
A FieldFormat implementation for a field in a fixed length formatted stream.
FixedLengthFieldPadding |
FixedLengthMarshallingContext |
FixedLengthParserBuilder |
Builder for fixed length stream parsers.
FixedLengthParserConfiguration |
Stores configuration settings for parsing fixed length formatted streams.
FixedLengthParserFactory |
FixedLengthPreprocessor |
Configuration Preprocessor for a fixed length stream format.
FixedLengthReader |
A FixedLengthReader is used to read records from a fixed length
file or input stream.
FixedLengthRecordFormat |
A RecordFormat implementation for a fixed length formatted record.
FixedLengthRecordParser |
FixedLengthRecordParserFactory |
FixedLengthStreamFormat |
FixedLengthTextLengthCounter |
FixedLengthUnmarshallingContext |
FixedLengthUtils |
FixedLengthWriter |
A FixedLengthWriter is used to write records to fixed length
flat file or output stream.
FlatFieldFormat |
A FlatFieldFormat is a FieldFormat for flat stream formats
FlatFieldFormatSupport |
FlatParserFactory |
Base class for flat file format parser factories including CSV, delimited and fixed
length formats.
FlatPreprocessor |
Base class for Preprocessor implementations for flat stream formats
FloatTypeHandler |
A type handler implementation for the Float class.
Group |
Group annotation for classes, and for fields and methods in a class
annotated by a parent Group.
Group |
A Group holds child nodes including records and other groups.
GroupBuilder |
Builds a new group configuration.
GroupBuilderSupport<T extends GroupBuilderSupport<T>> |
Support for group configuration builders.
GroupConfig |
A group is used to organize records and the overall structure of a stream.
IntegerTypeHandler |
A type handler implementation for the Integer class.
InvalidBeanException |
Exception thrown by a BeanWriter or Marshaller , when a bean
cannot be marshalled to meet the configured field validation rules.
InvalidRecordException |
Exception thrown when a record or one of its fields does not pass validation
during unmarshalling.
InvalidRecordGroupException |
Exception thrown when one or more records fail validation while unmarshalling
a record group.
IOUtil |
Utility class for manipulating streams.
Iteration |
Repeating components must implement Iteration to offset record positions
during marshalling and unmarshalling.
JsonFieldFormat |
A FieldFormat implementation for a field in a JSON formatted record.
JsonMarshallingContext |
JsonNode |
An interface implemented by any JSON segment or field.
JsonNodeUtil |
Utility class for working with a JsonNode .
JsonParserConfiguration |
Stores configuration settings for parsing JSON formatted streams.
JsonParserFactory |
JsonPreprocessor |
JsonReader |
JsonReaderSupport |
Base class for reading a JSON formatted stream.
JsonRecordMarshaller |
JsonRecordParserFactory |
JsonRecordUnmarshaller |
JsonStreamFormat |
JsonUnmarshallingContext |
JsonUtil |
Utility class for working with JSON formatted values.
JsonWrapper |
A JsonWrapper is used to handle nested JSON objects.
JsonWriter |
A RecordWriter implementation for writing JSON formatted record.
JsonWriterSupport |
Base class for writing a JSON formatted stream.
LocaleSupport |
Base class for Locale aware type handlers.
LocaleUtil |
Utility methods for handling Locale.
LongTypeHandler |
A type handler implementation for the Long class.
MalformedRecordException |
Exception thrown when a record does not adhere to the expected syntax of
the stream format.
MapAccessor |
MapParser |
A Parser component for aggregating inline Map objects.
Marshaller |
Interface for marshalling bean objects.
MarshallerImpl |
MarshallingContext |
Stores context information needed to marshal a bean object.
MessageFactory |
A MessageFactory implementation is used to generate localized error
messages for record and field level errors.
MethodReflectionAccessor |
NumberTypeHandler |
Base class for type handlers that parse objects extending from Number .
Parser |
A Parser is used marshal and unmarshal record components.
ParserBuilder |
ParserComponent |
Base class for all parser components in that implement Parser .
ParserFactory |
A ParserFactory is used to convert a stream configuration (i.e.
ParserFactorySupport |
ParserLocal<T> |
ParsingContext |
Base class for the parsing context- marshalling or unmarshaling.
Preprocessor |
A Preprocesser is responsible for validating a stream configuration, setting
default configuration values, and populating any calculated values before the
ParserFactorySupport compiles the configuration into parser components.
ProcessorSupport |
A base class for configuration processors.
Property |
The Property interface is implemented by parser components capable
of storing a property value.
PropertyAccessor |
A PropertyAccessor provides access to a bean property.
PropertyAccessorFactory |
PropertyAccessorSupport |
PropertyBuilderSupport<T extends PropertyBuilderSupport<T>> |
Support for property configuration builders.
PropertyComponent |
Base class for Property implementations that hold other properties (e.g.
PropertyConfig |
A base class for configuration components that can be bound to a property
of a bean object.
Record |
Record annotation for classes, and for fields and methods in a class
annotated by Group.
Record |
RecordAggregation |
RecordArray |
A Parser tree component for parsing an array of bean objects, where
a bean object is mapped to a Record .
RecordBuilder |
Builds a new record configuration.
RecordCollection |
A Parser tree component for parsing a collection of bean objects, where
a bean object is mapped to a Record or Group .
RecordConfig |
A record is a segment that is bound to a record in a stream.
RecordContext |
RecordFilterReader |
A Reader implementation for tracking the current line number, current
position and record text.
RecordFormat |
A RecordFormat provides format specific processing for a Record parser.
RecordIOException |
RecordMap |
RecordMarshaller |
Interface for marshalling a single record object.
RecordParserFactory |
Factory interface for creating record parsers.
RecordParserFactorySupport |
RecordReader |
A RecordReader is used to divide an input stream into records.
RecordUnmarshaller |
Interface for unmarshalling a single record.
RecordWriter |
A RecordWriter is used to write records to an output stream.
ReflectionAccessorFactory |
Replicateable |
Graph nodes that use a Replicator for cloning itself must implement
this interface.
Replicator |
Utility class used to copy a hierarchical object graph.
ReplicatorTest |
ResourceBundleMessageFactory |
Segment |
Segment annotation applied to class members or methods.
Segment |
A segment is used aggregate other Parser components, such as fields
and other segments.
SegmentBuilder |
Builds a new segment configuration.
SegmentBuilderSupport<T extends SegmentBuilderSupport<T>> |
Support for segment configuration builders.
SegmentConfig |
A segment is used to combine fields, constants and other segments.
Selector |
A Selector is used to match a Group or Record for
marshalling and unmarshalling.
SelectorConfig |
This interface is implemented by configuration components used to select
a record for marshalling or unmarshalling, namely RecordConfig and
GroupConfig components.
Settings |
Settings is used to load and store BeanIO configuration settings.
ShortTypeHandler |
A type handler implementation for the Short class.
SimplePropertyConfig |
A base class for configuration components that can be bound to "simple
attributes" of a bean object.
StatefulWriter |
StatefulWriter can be implemented by writers that maintain state, so
that in case of an error, the last updated state of the writer can be restored and
writing can resume.
Stream |
StreamBuilder |
Builds a new stream configuration.
StreamCompiler |
Compiles a mapping file read from an InputStream into a collection of
Stream parsers.
StreamConfig |
A stream is the root (a.k.a top or parent) group of a stream mapping configuration.
StreamFactory |
StreamFormat |
A StreamFormat provides format specific extensions for a Stream parser.
StreamFormatSupport |
StringTypeHandler |
A type handler implementation for the String class.
StringUtil |
Utility class for working with Strings .
StringUtil.PropertySource |
A source of property values.
TemporalAccessorTypeHandler |
This type handler can parse/format TemporalAccessor s like LocalDateTime or ZonedDateTime using a DateTimeFormatter .
TextLengthCounter |
ToStringEnumTypeHandler |
An Enum type handler that uses Enum.toString()
to parse and format Enum values.
TreeNode<T extends TreeNode> |
A basic tree node implementation.
TypeConversionException |
Thrown when field text cannot be parsed into a value object.
TypeHandler |
A TypeHandler is used to convert field text into a Java object and vice versa.
TypeHandlerConfig |
Stores configuration settings for a custom type handler.
TypeHandlerFactory |
A factory class used to get a TypeHandler for parsing field text
into field objects, and for formatting field objects into field text.
TypeUtil |
Utility class for working with Java types supported by BeanIO.
UnexpectedRecordException |
Exception thrown when the record type of last record read by a BeanReader
is out of order based on the expected order defined by the stream's mapping file.
UnidentifiedRecordException |
Exception thrown when the record type of the last record read from a BeanReader
could not be determined.
Unmarshaller |
Interface for unmarshalling single records.
UnmarshallerImpl |
UnmarshallingContext |
Stores context information needed to unmarshal a bean object.
URLTypeHandler |
A type handler for URL values.
UUIDTypeHandler |
A type handler for UUID values.
Value |
Stores special property values.
XmlAttributeField |
A FieldFormat for a field in an XML formatted stream parsed as
an attribute of its parent.
XmlBooleanTypeHandler |
A type handler implementation for the Boolean class based on the
W3C XML Schema boolean datatype
XmlCalendarDateTimeTypeHandler |
A Calendar type handler implementation for parsing dates based on
the W3C XML Schema dateTime datatype
XmlCalendarDateTypeHandler |
A Calendar type handler implementation for parsing dates based on
the W3C XML Schema date datatype
XmlCalendarTimeTypeHandler |
A Calendar type handler implementation for parsing dates based on
the W3C XML Schema time datatype
XmlConfigurationLoader |
Loads BeanIO mapping files in XML format.
XmlDateTimeTypeHandler |
A java.util.Date type handler implementation for parsing date-time values based on
the W3C XML Schema dateTime datatype
XmlDateTypeHandler |
A java.util.Date type handler implementation for parsing dates based on
the W3C XML Schema date datatype
XmlElementField |
A FieldFormat for a field in an XML formatted stream parsed as
an element of its parent.
XmlFieldFormat |
XmlMapping |
Stores parsing information about an XML mapping file.
XmlMappingParser |
XmlMappingReader |
Reads a BeanIO XML mapping file into an XML document object model (DOM)
and validates the XML using the BeanIO mapping schema.
XmlMarshallingContext |
XmlNode |
XmlNodeUtil |
Utility class for working with a document object model and an XmlNode .
XmlParserBuilder |
Builder for XML parsers.
XmlParserConfiguration |
Stores configuration settings for parsing XML formatted streams.
XmlParserFactory |
XmlPreprocessor |
XmlReader |
A XmlReader is used to read records from a XML input stream.
XmlRecordMarshaller |
XmlRecordParserFactory |
XmlRecordUnmarshaller |
XmlSelectorWrapper |
XmlStreamConfiguration |
This interface provides access to the XMl stream definition for XML
RecordReaderFactory classes that implement XmlStreamConfigurationAware .
XmlStreamConfigurationAware |
This callback interface can be implemented by RecordReader implementations
for XML formatted streams that wish to obtain configuration information from the
XML stream definition.
XmlStreamFormat |
XmlTextField |
XmlTimeTypeHandler |
A java.util.Date type handler implementation for parsing times based on
the W3C XML Schema time datatype
XmlType |
Enumeration of XML types.
XmlTypeConstants |
XML node type constants.
XmlUnmarshallingContext |
XmlWrapper |
XmlWriter |
A XmlWriter is used to write records to a XML output stream.